Update to "Ethnicity" Wording
Change all "Ethnicity" wording to "Race/Ethnicity". Ethnicity refers to cultural expression i.e. Hispanic and Race refers to biological identity i.e. Black. Using both terms is in line with most government reporting.

Kareen Duvall commented
In LCPtracker, there is not an ethnic group for our Pacific Islander employees. Employees identified in our accounting software as Pacific Islander, upload from our excel spreadsheets into LCP as "Not Specified". The Ethnic Groups in LCPtracker should match those groups identified by the Department of Labor so the annual FHWA reports populate correctly.
Kimberly Morrison commented
Change "Caucasian" to "White" in line with government reporting. Caucasian refers to the caucus countries such as Armenia and Georgia. Many "White" identifying people are not from the caucuses. Change "African American" to "Black or African American" as many Black identifying people are not from Africa. This is also in line with Federal reporting.