Week Ending Date mistakes happen!! Need a warning notice if entering a different week ending day.
If entering a different or wrong week end day, there should be some sort of a warning message that requires a response, i.e: "You have entered a different week ending day, do you want to continue?"
a warning that notifies you that you are not allowed to change the week end day, but you will need to contact lcp admin/support to change the week end date.
Elisa Carreon commented
Have the system make it easier to change the week ending date when the week ending date was entered incorrectly and the CP was submitted.
Jennifer Sinclair commented
When I'm on a roll entering, I sometimes forget to close out, change the date and continue...we all know how much work goes into entering the information. It would be great in the Edit Uncertified Records that we can change the week ending date.
Anonymous commented
Totally inconvenient!
Almost unbelievable that the entire payroll record has to be inputted again rather than simply updating the weekend date as needed. Not so user friendly and shows no consideration for such an inconvenience. It almost seems like a punishment / for not subscribing to the Direct Payroll Subscription?!
Lesley Yrueta commented
I don't understand why a system built around week ending dates, develops it so that the only think anyone (up to the developer level) is unable to edit are the week ending dates! It's absurd!
Mistakes happen and to ask your users to delete all their work and reenter makes for a terrible user experience. If the concern is about benefits/fringes- there are already checks in place. I receive notices if the fringes entered don't match the current rates.
Linda Trujillo commented
I entered the wrong week ending date how would I change it?