44 results found
Re-Activate Closed Projects
There needs to be an option to re-activate a closed project. Sometimes projects start back up months being closed for a variety of reasons. The only way to continue a closed project is to 1) change the number on the closed project and then 2) setup an entirely new project. This is a complete waste of time!
10 votes -
Other Deduction Notes
There should be an option to allow other deductions notes for an employee to be copied to all records for that employee for that pay period. I spend hours entering the other deduction notes for each record as we have a lot of people with deduction amounts that vary from week to week.
2 votes -
Fringe Benefit Maintenance
LCPTracker has a Fringe Benefit Maintenance area where you can update multiple employee fringe rates whe an update is released. This is rather than having to go into each employee record to change.
5 votes -
Marking Final Payroll
When submitting a payroll you should have a box to check if the payroll as final, when signing the payroll. Tracker has this option, and Certified should adopt this option instead of having to go back and edit the payroll to mark it as final.
11 votes -
Confidential Admin Comments and Audits - display name of Admin
There should be a way to identify the name of the administrator who adds any comments to the Confidential Admin Comments Section when reviewing Certified Payrolls. I also would find it beneficial to identify the name or initials of the administrator who "audits" the payrolls and the date the audit was performed.
2 votes -
Ability to enter text on the Statement of Compliance.
Users need to have to ability to enter text in the Exceptions portion of the Statement of Compliance. The point of having this system to produce reports is the be able to produce them with the data needed in its entirety, not just some of it. There are many instances where a subcontractor needs to make notations. Please make this a thing. We don't want to have to handwrite or create new documents just to add text. Handwriting in text on these reports is unprofessional.
3 votes -
Project Tab
It would be nice for the Project tab to just have a drop down of projects, then whichever one you click on, you can see what payrolls have been submitted. This is how Tracker is laid out and I think it's easier to refer/export reports from specific jobs and payrolls. Certified is laid out with things in so many different locations it's hard to keep track or find certain things.
2 votes -
List of Employees with option to make inactive
Please make it easier to make multiple employees inactive, instead of loading each employee by name and then selecting inactive.
6 votes -
EEO Report / Utilization Report / Federal Form CC-257 or related
Provide module that provides the EEO data for reporting purposes. We have several Federally funded (assisted) projects that include the requirement to provide this data both monthly and annually.
7 votes -
Fringe Benefits Maintenance - improve user experience
Can you please make this less time consuming!! Maybe a check box for ALL projects or a master sheet and choose EACH employee? I have multiple unions with multiple fringe packages on different projects. We pay really good money to work this hard!!
11 votes -
Extract data from scanned PDF copies when uploading payroll
Allow PDF certified payroll uploads, the system does not accept this format but when uploading a scanned copy there needs to be a PDF format
3 votes -
Can we get a report that shows total hours for each classification of work performed?
At the end of the project we have to send a final report (Affidavit) of hours for each job classification. If LCP tracker had a report we could generate from the certified payroll reports that we could upload electronically to LNI it would save lots of time.
4 votes -
On the WA L&I Export Report, break out federal withholding and state taxes into their own line items.
When we generate a WA L&I Export file from LCPCertified, it combines federal withholding and state taxes into one "Tax Withholding" line item. Upon import to WA L&I, this amount is then reported in the field meant only for federal tax withholding. As a result, we manually break out federal and state taxes upon upload into L&I. This is very time consuming and would work so much more smoothly if they came over as two separate tax fields.
1 vote -
Certifications on reports with Notices
When certifying a payroll report that has notices, we are reminded that there are notices on the report and prompted to respond Yes or No to continue. When this window pops up, it would be beneficial to also see in this window, a run down of the notices. This way we can clearly see what we are accepting to proceed with right at the moment of certification.
3 votes -
Certified Payroll Downloads
Would like the certified payroll reports (the downloaded PDF's) to be named instead of just "CPR". Having them named the Project Code then the week ending date would be best. Having to rename every single file I download is extremely time consuming.
13 votesGreat idea. Thank you for the submission.
This request will be added to the LCPcertified development team board to complete. -
Project Code
Project Code not used as a searchable field in any Tab. It would be helpful if the Project Code field was a searchable field in Projects, Payroll Records, Notices, and Certification.
1 vote -
Save employee work classifcation
LCPCertified is hit and miss with employee classifications. Sometimes the data is prepopulated when an employee is selected and other times (for existing employees) it is not. It is extremely time consuming to have to wait for LCPCertified to add the classification once we select from the list.
8 votes -
Allow different cash in lieu rates for straight time, over time and double time on the same payroll
Currently we have to average our cash in lieu amount if an employee works over time or double time which commonly kicks an error message out that has to be overided. Because there is a different amount of fringe owed for each status we should be able to enter the correct amount without having to average the fringe or split the payroll.
1 vote -
Payrolls access
Please change the view to be in line with the LCP view. With access to all of your payrolls for the project readily available. As well as the edit feature. Streamlining so that all of your products function the same would be extremely helpful.
1 vote -
Have a way to enter non performing weeks when there has been no work performed.
LCP Certified Professional automatically does the non performing weeks between work being done, but wont let you print out non-performing weeks on your own like in the regular LCP tracker.
2 votes
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