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LCPtracker Professional

255 results found

  1. Having the classifications/trade as a required field when uploading Trust Reports, union Letters, DAS forms. and Fringe Benefit Statements

    I believe this will help mitigate the risk of missing a trade. Especially for subcontractors with multiple trades.

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  2. Entering multiple non-performance statements for one week

    I think it would be beneficial for there to be an option to submit multiple non-performances for a single week for multiple projects on the same account, whether uploading an .xls file that lists the projects or adding it as a feature embedded into the website and select the projects from there. Our scope of work requires us to work on multiple projects in varying intervals, often times having to come back to the project at a later date. This requires a lot of non-performance declarations for each week and it becomes time consuming. I think this could be beneficial…

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  3. Would it be possible to be able to assign the Payment Date to all workers' Payment Date field in one place? It would be awesome! :)

    It would save so much time going to one place to assign the Payment Date for all workers on the project rather than needing to do it one by one.

    I hope this is possible. Thanks!

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  4. eDocuments - upload another one after one was just uploaded. Send email to admin when eDocument has been uploaded.

    When adding a e-document instead of going back to the home page ask if another is being added,
    Also send an email to the Admin when a e-document is added.

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  5. Allow some Fringes to be calculated at % of gross

    Our employees are union electrician's. Some of our members( Journeyman and Foreman) pay their dues at 2.5% of their weekly gross. Currently, you cannot enter that on the LCP Tracker portal.

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  6. Section 3 Status

    We need an ability for the administrators of these projects to change the Section 3 designation of employees. Currently the subcontractors are the only ones who can update an employee's Section 3 status. We constantly have the need to request the subcontractors to update these employees rather than being able to edit their status ourselves. Please update this so we can edit the employee status.

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  7. Reject spelling errors at the time of entry - Chicago - Spelled wrong nine times

    Stop allowing for incorrect spellings of Chicago to date; when we run reports, we have to include all of the following, CHCIAGO, CHIACGO, CHIAGO, Chicago, CHICAGO,, CHICAGO, IL, Chicao, Chicasgo, CHICGAO, CIHCAGO -

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  8. To ensure accuracy in reporting, we suggest that the fields listed below be hardcoded or locked in the same fashion as the social security #

    The Prime Contractor or the Sub-contractor Vendor can change the records (Add / Edit Employee Information) during the active status of the contract. Allowing for changes to the Employee Information fields below at any time:
    Social Security Number

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  9. LCP Tracker Replies

    The replies from Contractors to the Administrator due to rejection should go to the Project Contact that is entered in the Project Set-up NOT go to the e-mail address of the user that is signed in.

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  10. CPR Entry to Read DIR Footnotes

    The system needs to have the ability to read DIR footnotes for all crafts/classifications.

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  11. eDocument Feature Expansion for Administrators

    I would like to have a "Pending" option rather than just "Accept" & "Reject" and have the process status drop down menu next to the document like on the Certifications page rather than having to enter into separate screen.

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  12. Notice for Other Deduction Notes when there are no other deductions

    When a deduction note is entered in the master file, but there is a week that deduction is not deducted, LCPtracker should create a notice so that the Deduction note can be removed from the actual record. Right now, the default note from the employee master populates even when there are no "other" deductions.

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  13. Have ability to upload union letters and make them visible on all jobs with an option to just click something.

    Have ability to upload union letters and make them visible on all jobs with an option to just click something.

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  14. Classifications are not in order

    On the Carpenter trade, the options to select are all mixed up and in no particular order, making it really difficult to fins the correct trade, especially apprentice before or after 7/1/2018. If they were in order, it would be much easier.

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  15. provide a section showing the current breakdown per the DIR for journeymen & apprentices.

    Having a button or section with current prevailing wage breakdown. Hourly rate, plus fringe benefit breakdown per the DIR for easy access.

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  16. option in Employee setup to pre-check the "Some or all fringe paid to employee" checkbox

    Include the option in Employee setup to pre-check the "Some or all fringe paid to employee" checkbox for each employee. As employees do not have default fringe amounts paid to a fund, it cannot be selected in fringe maintenance & needs to be an option in employee setup.
    It is incredibly time consuming and annoying to have to check the box in each employee record for each project, each week; even when there are no notices requiring attention. There is no indication on the employee list for a project as to whether the box has been checked & therefore all…

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  17. Quality of life updates for the Multiple CPR Reports

    Couple of ideas:

    -have the option for both the Non-preforming and Preforming CPRs to be in one PDF and in order by weekending date.
    -have the option to have the CPRS already sorted a certain way.
    - ie: Oldest to newest and/or newest to oldest in regards to Weekending dates
    - Also be able to export multiple CPRs from the same project with different contractors.

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  18. Grid option to enter Payroll Records

    Add a grid entry option under Payroll Records.

    I can not import my data. I currently have to manually enter all CPR information (daily hours, rates, fringe detail, payroll tax detail, gross wages, net wages, check number and date) for every project, every week worked. It can be very time consuming. When I get pulled away while trying to input an 8 man crew I have to go back to Edit uncertified payroll reports to figure out who was already entered and who I'm still missing.

    Adding a grid entry option to Payroll Records / Enter Records (with a drop…

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  19. Hide Expired Documents

    In the eDocuments tab, we (GC) ask that our subs submit Fringe Benefit Statements for each classification they are using. These documents expire after a period of time. I do not want to delete them from eDocuments, but I'd like an option to hide expired documents and just view the ones that are current. This "hide" option would be great for any documents within this tab, such as Apprentice Certifications that expire after a few months. It would filter out what is no longer active and make it easier to find ones that are. Keeping them hidden instead of deleting…

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  20. Ability to Validate multiple employee addresses

    When there are multiple/several employee addresses to be validated ... it would be nice to see them all on one screen to review vs each employee record.

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